dinsdag 23 april 2013


Hello everyone

It's been a while...
Well, my mom passed away.

It's been a very hard time for me.
I called her mamsie, because mama didn't sound cute and sweet enough.
Mamsie was my number one, my best friend.
Now she's not here anymore, I feel like my life isn't complete.

Mamsie had Creutzfeldt - Jakob, one of the most awful diseases I've ever seen.
She worked as a nurse in a hospital, on geriatrics.
She nursed old people, sometimes also people that had dementia.
The fact that she now was one of the people she would nurse, was something I could not believe.
My mom was such a fighter and she was so independent. Now she was so helpless..

I'm thinking of writing her some letters, because I wanted to tell her much more than I already did.
Maybe I'll post them here.

I do not have a lot of pictures of her.
She really did not like a camera too close near her, but this picture is one of us that make me smile, even it's like almost twenty years old:

I love u mamsie <3

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